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Version history + Road Map

See what we’ve achieved to date and what we’re planning to do ahead.

Version History + Road Map

v. 0.1


We’re launching!

In the initial release we’ve focused on the most widespread used, and most needed data points: emissions, emissions intensity in relation to revenue, to be able to compare companies against their targets, benchmark within industries etc.

Data points

  • Revenue
  • Emissions
  • Targets
  • Emission Intensity

Search companies

v. 0.2


We’re working on the next release which will feature cradle-to-gate emissions factors that you’ll be able to deploy in your carbon accounting platform or procurement system you’re using. 

v. 0.3


A natural step is to add more data points. We’re contemplating adding products as a second layer of emissions, for the public and procurement to compare and utilities.


Would you like to improve the data or help us build the platform? We invite you to be part of this open sustainability data platform.

Whether you are an individual seeking to make a difference, a company aiming to disclose your commitment to a sustainable society, or a researcher in pursuit of the truth, our doors are open.

Help us map the impacts of our species on the Earth, and together, let’s navigate the path to a more sustainable tomorrow.

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